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The Clintons and Scientology

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Gehört nicht ganz zum Thema, weil das Internet und
seine atemberaubende Schönheit und Weisheit im Mittelpunkt
steht, aber hier ist ein längerer Kommentar zur


Interessiert auf F&F natürlich niemanden, weil es kein
Österreich- oder Flüchtlingsthema ist, aber vielleicht kommen
ab morgen ein paar Leute, denen im Büro fad ist (so ist
das eigentlich immer).

Was nicht im Artikel steht:
1.) Niveau im Wahlkampf sinkt weiter. Eine Schlagzeile lautet
"[Bill] Clinton kriegte Pipi-Lutschi und wurde trotzdem wiedergewählt",
eine andere will mit geilen Bekenntnissen einer Verflossenen
Hillary als lesbisch hinstellen: "Bill [Clinton]: 'Hillary leckte
noch mehr Muschi als ich". Es handelt sich nicht um meine Übertreibungen,
sondern um naturgetreue Übersetzungen aus dem Englischen.

Was mir persönlich noch abgeht,
ist eine öffentliche Erklärung des Secret Service der 90er:
"Wir waren im Loyalitätskonflikt, weil die First Lady den
Präsidenten ständig ohrfeigte und dögelte. So brutal war
nicht einmal Barbara Eisenhower."
2.) Julian hat endlich wieder was geleakt, wie El Hel schon
oben erklärte, und auch dazugesagt: "Ab jetzt werden die
Leaks bis zur Wahl immer geiler und verbrecherischer, harhar!"
Er hat halt einen Pick auf die Clintons, seit ihre Mitarbeiter
öffentlich erklärten, sie wollen Julian tot sehen.
3.) Trumpi wird zur Last gelegt, ein Lustgreis zu sein, der
sich in einer sexy Radio-Show über sein Sexualleben
geäußert hat, in der er seine Schlampen objektifizierte.
Schlagzeile, Titelseite: "Pack sie an der Muschi!"
 (Howard Stern, für wer ihn kennt. Jimbos Dreckschleuder
weiß mehr:
Außerdem bezeichnete er irgendwelche Promis als "blad"
und "deppert", was aber nur hartgesottene Hillary-Apostel
4.) Hillary will laut Lippenbekenntnis die Damen besser
vor Vergewaltigern schützen, allerdings melden sich jetzt
laut Schlagzeilen Vergewaltigungsopfer, deren Vergewaltiger
von Hillary geschützt wurden -- als selbige Strafverteidigerin
war. Hillary ist offenbar on Record, wie sie lachend erzählt,
wie sie ein damals 12 Jahre altes Mädchen vor Gericht
als frühreifes Biest hinstellte, das eh gerne vergewaltigt
wird, weil es in ihrem Tagebuch stand.

Das ist ein wirklich extrem primitiver Wahlkampf -- NOCH
besser als Palin/McCain gegen Obama/Biden 2008! Endlich
Spaß und Unterhaltung in der Politik!

Wers nicht glaubt, soll sich den heutigen Drudge-Report
ansehen, es ist wirklich sehr schräg:

The leaks are so far relatively boring. That politicians talk differently to brokers then they talk to the public is no surprise and was commonly expected. The idea of open borders may be a nightmare for some paranoid nationalists, specially in America, but it won't cost HRC the election. If Scrooge Mc. Trump wasn't such a bizarre character, they still could have made an impact, but that is speculative.

That's why it is so absurd, that the HRC-campaign is making that completely ridiculous claim that wikileaks was  controlled by Russia. Maybe they are afraid of what is still to be revealed, maybe they continue their revenge against that organization, that reveals the total incompetence of the American administrations and services depending Internet security. Whatever the reason may be, the attempt to wipe all that is publicized off the table by describing it as Russian propaganda in favour of Trump is pathetic. But it is a signature-piece of "Correct The Record", Clinton's organization for social-media-propaganda, that has been seeking ways to diminish the credibility of persons and organizations that reveal inappropriate behavior by Clinton and her friends for years.

Let's face the facts: the co-founder and spokesman of wikileaks is Julian Assange. He resides in the embassy of Ecuador in London, threatened to be executed by the USA if extradited to them, and has no connection to Russia whatsoever. The wikileaks-servers are mirrored all over the world, to make sure that a crackdown on them by a government of a single country that has a bad conscience doesn't bring them down. They do that on purpose, they have already experienced such incidents. All of that is commonly known and can be found on their website as well as on the Wikipedia-page about wikileaks:

--- Quote from: Wikipedia ---Until August 2010, WikiLeaks was hosted by PRQ, a Sweden-based company providing "highly secure, no-questions-asked hosting services". PRQ is said to have "almost no information about its clientele and maintains few if any of its own logs". Currently, WikiLeaks is hosted mainly by the Swedish internet service provider Bahnhof in the Pionen facility, a former nuclear bunker in Sweden. Other servers are spread around the world with the main server located in Sweden. Julian Assange has said that the servers are located in Sweden (and the other countries) "specifically because those nations offer legal protection to the disclosures made on the site". He talks about the Swedish constitution, which gives the information providers total legal protection. It is forbidden according to Swedish law for any administrative authority to make inquiries about the sources of any type of newspaper. These laws, and the hosting by PRQ, make it difficult for any authorities to eliminate WikiLeaks; they place an onus of proof upon any complainant whose suit would circumscribe WikiLeaks' liberty, e.g. its rights to exercise free speech online. Furthermore, "WikiLeaks maintains its own servers at undisclosed locations, keeps no logs and uses military-grade encryption to protect sources and other confidential information." Such arrangements have been called "bulletproof hosting".

In August 2010, the Swedish Pirate Party announced it would be hosting, managing, and maintaining many of WikiLeaks' new servers without charge.
--- End quote ---


The only "argument" for the accusation is the fact, that Edward Snowden was forced to seek asylum in Russia, because Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton threaten his life for being so brave to make public the crimes of their administration against the civil rights of citizens not only of America, but the whole world. But Snowden is still only an informant to wikileaks. Sincerely the most prominent and for sure one of the most important, but still nothing more. Never ever has he been a part of their administration, organization or staff. To build a claim like the one wikileaks was controlled by Russia, only on the fact that Snowden is hiding there, is bizarre.

This strategy makes Mrs Clinton more unfit to be president every time she uses it. Still less unfit then trump, but unfit anyhow. Americans should go for Johnson, he is in contrary to Trump and Clinton a decent, honest guy.




"Illuminati"? Really? Such conspiracy theory bullshit is the reason why people who criticize HRC are not taken serious. It's far too easy to point to such brainless fairy tales and put all other accusations into the same bucket. It works the same way for her like with Trump: if he wasn't so ridiculous, aggravating and as we now know even criminal, Clinton wouldn't stand a chance. Every other candidate would have beaten her easily. Trump doesn't criticize her for what is really at hand, he invents totally absurd conspiracy theories, talks about Bill or her health. So if he mentions something serious, it is hardly heard in his flood of stupidities. And people who attempt to criticize her mentioning "illuminati" do her the same favour.


HRC has now changed the narrative. Now she and her surrogates claim, that Russia is using wikileaks to publish what their hackers have hacked. The way they say it is: "the hack has Russian fingerprints all over it." That is typical political propaganda. It means that there is no proove whatsoever, otherwise it would be presented.

They say that most American secret services are sure, that Russian services have hacked the DNC and other American organizations. That may be true, and makes sense for secret services. But a member of Clinton's campaign-staff? Not so much. The only reason they can present is still "Russia wants Trump as president", and that is no reason for such things happening. It seems like Clinton and her team want people to disrespect them as much as Trump.

Wikileaks needs no Russian help to hack someone. Russia even prosecutes their only Russian-born founding member, so they aren't friends at all. A regime that oppresses democracy and information like the Russian one is never too fond of whistleblowers. They also are braggarts, so if they had hacked a Clinton-staffer, they would also brag about that.

The leaks still haven't discovered anything shocking or unexpected. So the claim that "it's all Russia!" isn't only pathetic, it's unnecessary. The only thing the Clinton-camp is showing by keeping it up, is a bad conscience.



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